Welcome to the Congregation Kol Tikvah Library!
We hope you will use and enjoy your temple library. The library is located behind the bima and is open any time the sanctuary building is open, except during a religious service. A book cart will be available following Friday night services at the Oneg Shabbat, but members are welcome to visit the library at that time as well. Please follow the check out procedures posted below and in the library. A sign out ledger is being used for now, however at a future time we may change to a computerized check out system. Your assistance in returning books on time is greatly appreciated.
Books are color coded by category. To view our collection online CLICK HERE.
Donations of used or new books are always welcome as are monetary donations. A book plate will note your donations and books can be purchased in honor of a birthday or other occasion. To view our wish list CLICK HERE. Please check prior to making a purchase as we have already collected some of the wish list books. We particularly want to grow our youth collection.
We also welcome new committee members who would like to help keep our library running smoothly. The Library Committee meets the second Tuesday of the month at 3:30PM.
Please check back for more information and news from your temple library.
For information on any aspect of our library contact Ellen Odza