The Kol Tikvah Social Action Committee seeks to involve the congregation to participate in Tikun Olam “Repairing the World” by serving those who are disadvantaged or in need. We strive to educate and provide awareness for adults, youth and children to do social action and advocacy to help local, national and international causes and promote greater social justice.
A variety of social action and social justice projects are planned throughout the year. We seek to encourage, inspire and engage ALL our congregants to participate.
ANNUAL HIGH HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE—congregants donate non-perishable food items to benefit the WECARE Pantry at the Soref JCC
MONTHLY MITZVAH MONDAY PROJECTS—families prepare PBJ sandwich lunches which are delivered to Our Father’s House Soup Kitchen to provide an extra meal for those who are homeless and hungry
ANNUAL MITZVAH DAY—Kol Tikvah families enjoy participating in “hands-on” projects that benefit many organizations in Broward County which serve both adults and children
MITZVAH SUPPLY COLLECTIONS—throughout the year, donations are collected to help fill the specific needs of many different charities such as: In Jacobs Shoes, JAFCO, Kids in Distress, Hope South Florida, Lifenet4 families and Women in Distress.
SOCIAL JUSTICE—Our Kol Tikvah community was proud to partner with RAC-FL, Florida reform synagogues and organizations such as Floridians Protecting Freedom, Planned Parenthood, National Council of Jewish Women and the League of Women Voters to help collect petitions for a ballot initiative to ensure that reproductive rights would be on the November 2024 Florida ballot. During this process, not only did we learn about Jewish views on abortion and the value that is placed upon the life of the mother, but congregants collected signed petitions at temple events and outside functions and delivered them to the mandated locations to be counted by state election officials.
The collection throughout the state was a success! Our focus is now on encouraging people to check their voter registration, to have a plan to vote and to be educated about the importance of “Vote Yes on 4”. Phone banking and post card mailings are just a part of our activities before the November 2024 election.
For more information about our Social Action Committee or how to join, please contact Social Action
Co-Chairs: Nancy and Nat Nussbaum.
RAC: URJ Religious Action Center
Get involved by registering for Social Advocacy weekly updates from RAC.
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