We encourage prayers for those who are ill. If you would like the name of an ill loved one added to or removed from our Misheberach list, please complete the form below. We will include their name when the Misheberach prayer is recited during the Shabbat service for a month's time. After a month, unless we hear otherwise, we will remove the name. Of course, if the person recovers before a month, please inform us so that we can remove his/her name at that time. Name: First Last Email: Phone:The following person should be:AddedRemovedEnglish name of the ill person:Hebrew Name of the ill person:Hebrew name of the ill person's mother:Nature of illness:Your relationship to this person:Anticipated time of recovery:Do you wish for your loved one to be included on our Misheberach list beyond a month?YesNoPlease include location of patient and any additional information you wish to share here: This iframe contains the logic required to handle AJAX powered Gravity Forms.